be modern. wear vintage. stay groovy.
Vintage Christmas Crepe Paper Streamer - Seasons Greetings
Vintage Mid-Century Green Felt Santa Tree Skirt with Silver Tinsel Fringe 31"
Size Medium | Vintage 1980's 100% Silk Made in India Sequin and Beaded Dress
Size Small Medium | Vintage 1980's Green Velvet and Taffeta Plaid Holiday Dress
Vintage 1970's Black Sheer Midi Skirt Dance Costume by Leo's Leotards
Vintage 1960's Handmade Costume | Blue and Gold Vest | Genie Aladdin
Vintage 1980's Sonni San Francisco - 100% Lancaster Wool Red Sequin Cowboy Hat
2 Piece 1980's Handmade Cobalt Blue Sequinette Fringe Tassel Flapper Dress
1960's Brocade Gold & Neon Pink Bejeweled Gown with Lime Yellow Cape
Vintage 1990's Red & Black Shimmery Sheer Spiderweb Hooded Cape
Size Small Medium | Vintage Turquoise 3 Piece Genie Jasmine Costume - Handmade
Vintage 1980's Cleopatra Costume Gold Snake Crown, Cuffs, Egyptian Collar, Skirt